The Golden Key Locksmiths
The Golden Key Locksmiths is a locksmith located in Castle Ward, Waterdeep.
This shop, on the east side of Warriors' Way, north of Waterdeep Way, sells locks and fastenings of all sorts except large, vault-like doors, door bars, and strongchests. The proprietor makes custom locks to order, and guarantees that he's never sold a key that will open the lock you buy from him to anyone else. (In other words, your lock is unique.) Many of his locks require several keys turned in certain combinations to open. All products are made on the premises, except for certain door chains, which are imported from the northern Moonshaes where they have been hardened in dragon fire!
Proprietor: Ansilver the Locksmith, a white-haired, elderly but alert man, is the proprietor. He wears thick spectacles, has a sharp-beaked nose, and has a habit of humming continually.